Making children safe.
Our goal is to enable policy-makers and practitioners to find and run the programmes that are most likely to work. This site brings together the rigorous evidence about ‘what works’ in child protection and institutional response to child protection; it helps you to find it; and summarises it.
What does the evidence say?
Our Guidebook summarises the evidence on the various topics.
gaps with no research yet, or only one or two studies.
What is child protection?
By ‘child protection’, we mean protecting children (people up to 18 years old) from abuse of any sort: physical, verbal, mental, sexual or neglect.
This site looks at institutional responses to child abuse: meaning, actions taken by institutions (such as schools, hospitals, sports clubs, residential care facilities, churches and other faith-based organisations) to prevent abuse / respond to abuse within the institution (e.g., by the institution’s staff) and to prevent abuse / respond to abuse outside the institution (e.g., schools teaching children about abuse so that they can recognise it and avoid it in the home).
What our evidence covers
The evidence compiled and summarised on this site is rigorous, ‘what works’ studies of institutional responses to child abuse.
The EGM & Guidebook do cover…
They don’t cover…
*By ‘institution’, we mean school, pre-school nursery, church, other faith-based organisation, hospital, residential care setting, sports club, music or other clubs, holiday camps etc.